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About FES

Foodservice Equipment Symbols, LLC was est. August 2011, by Founder/President Truman Donoho (retired).  Truman had extensive history and knowledge in the Foodservice Industry, which gave FES great insight as to what was needed in the industry as an whole. 


As we attended our first and second Autodesk University (AU), FES new a Revit Standard and Shared Parameters list needed to be created (this was vital or it would have gotten way out of control).  Attending multiple Autodesk Universities, afforded us new contacts and talks with super users (Paul Aubin and David Butts).  Paul and Dave gave us great insight on the good and bad that can come out of an industry wide standards.  With the collection of FCSI Members, Manufacturers and a handful of Foodservice Content Creators the first set of standards and shared parameters were formed.  


Over the decade, FES has grown into the Premier Foodservice Revit Content Creation companies of the industry.  We continue not to be affiliated to any Designer, Manufacturer, Dealer, Representative or Design Tool companies. This allows FES to supply the same quality of Revit Content to everyone equally. 


As of April of 2022, Jeff Lewis was promoted to Owner/President of FES.  Since this time, we continue to grow and expand learning, so we can offer the best product to our clients. 


Organizations of the Industry

1. Actively Supporting FCSI
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